BulletRaid - Oathkeeper | Klipy Wideo

Band: BulletRaid

Song title: Oathkeeper

LP album title: Time Travellers

Music: Kamil Turczynowicz

Lyrics: Grzegorz Kolasiński

Cover art - Maciej Frolow

Engineering/Mix/Master - Paweł Jakubowski

Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/BulletRaid

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bulletraid

Email: bulletraidband@gmail.com

Members: Grzegorz "Judas" Kolasiński - vocals

Jakub "Gołomp" Gołembiewski - bass

Kamil "Turek" Turczynowicz - guitars

Michał "Seyfer" Bugała - guitars

Maciej "Sznurek" Sznurowski - drums


Yesterday you took another vow, you swore on your life

Too many times you broke your promises

Now it is the time to keep this one

Chorus: Oooh! Don't you ever break the oath

Oooh! You will not be trusted, but despised like never before

Consequences may be tragic, so don't be so blind

Your life is at stake, this oath you mustn't break Or be damned to hell!

Chorus: Oooh! Don't you ever break the oath

Oooh! You will not be trusted, but despised like never before

Oooh! Oathkeeper Oooh! Oathkeeper

Chorus: Oooh! Don't you ever break the oath

Oooh! You will not be trusted, but despised like never before

Oooh! Oathkeeper

Oooh! Oathkeeper

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