The Storm of Sorrow (demo) - Crown Shyness | Klipy Wideo

The Storm of Sorrow (DEMO)– Lyrics

Someday I’ll tell you about my life, after you
How by my smile I’ve been covering the storm of sorrow raging in my soul
I’ll show you how it is when every breath just hurts

I’ll pray every night to fall asleep at all
The deepest fear rules the mind because it’s known
I’ll never see you again (x3)
You know me inside out and know what I’m able to

I’ll wake up every demons
I’ll bribe all angels to turn against you
I’ll turn into the devil to, to punish you
Because you took all happiness away from me
So why should I keep you alive

I’ll find you even on the edge of the fucking Universe

I’ll wake up every demons
I’ll bribe all angels to turn against you
I’ll turn into the devil to, to punish you
Because you took all happiness away from me
So why should I keep you alive

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