Turn Back Time | Klipy Wideo

I miss the things that I have lost
I runaway from the thoughts that chase me
I look like an adult on the outside
But inside I can feel so small
I want to wear colorful hair
I'd like to eat a cotton candy
I dream about playing hide and seek
I wanna have some fun!

I wanna feel like a little kid
Go back in time to where I've been
I want to feel like a little child
And put some joy into my life

I am far from reality
On a way to sanity
I dive into a different world
And there's no way it can be bought
I don't pretend to be someone else
I don't belong to the rat race
I have a really good plan
To get away!

I wanna feel like a little kid
Go back in time to where I've been
I want to feel like a little child
And put some joy into my life

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