No One | Muzyka

No One

Intro: No one becomes homeless by birth
No one becomes homeless by choice
No one becomes homeless on a sentence

When you were born, you were just free
You had a free family home
We take birth, many many times
You take not, you live, then die

Ref.: No one becomes homeless by birth
No one becomes homeless by choice
No one becomes homeless on a sentence

Everyone has the right to live
Freedom and safety
Everyone is entitled to
Have their own feelings

Ref.: No one becomes homeless by birth
No one becomes homeless by choice
No one becomes homeless on a sentence

No one can be denied the right
To be lonely and poor
Man has the right to think what he will
No one can be refused of a coat

Ref.: No one becomes homeless by birth
No one becomes homeless by choice
No one becomes homeless on a sentence

When you were born, you were just free
You had a free family home
We take birth, many many times
You take not, you live, then die

Ref.: No one becomes homeless by birth
No one becomes homeless by choice
No one becomes homeless on a sentence

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