Sarang - Resonance | Muzyka

Sarang - Resonance

Close your eyes
begin to see what is hidden
beneath the sanity
listen to my voice and follow me

here I will let you be the one
who knows what is concealed

We are diamonds in the rough
We got something to show off
but we can't believe
and we can't give up timidity

Let mind speak
Open heart without a key
Let somebody in

Where are you my brother?
See my eyes bleed without you
And are you here my brother?

You are the reason
the reason I never give... (up)

Where are you my brother?
See my eyes bleed without you
And are you here my brother?

You are the reason

Share a thought
if that's what you need
Understand complexity of society

Listen to my voice and follow me
Here I will let you be
the one who knows what is concealed
Listen to my voice and follow me tonight

Where are you my brother?
See my eyes bleed without you
And are you here my brother?

You are the reason
the reason I never give... (up)

Where are you my brother?
See my eyes bleed without you
And are you here my brother?

You are the reason

You are the reason
the reason I will never forgive x6

Where are you my brother?
See my eyes bleed without you
And are you here my brother?

You are the reason
the reason I never give... (up)

Where are you my brother?
See my eyes bleed without you
And are you here my brother?

You are the reason... x2

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